
Private Retirement Trust

In litigation, flexibility is the key to winning. No litigator wants to go into the courtroom with only one argument. Prosecutors go for multiple ‘lesser included charges’ just to make sure they leave with a conviction. Defense attorneys prepare as many defenses as possible, even though just one winning argument is enough.

COVID-19 Proof Your Retirement Assets Using a Private Retirement Trust

We are all truly facing unprecedented times. The COVID-19 pandemic has impartially and almost instantly impacted our lives globally, socially and economically in ways never before seen in this great Country’s history. Financial experts opine that the U.S. economy may shrink by fifteen percent (15%) in the three months to June and the national unemployment rate may jump from 3.9% to 6%. According to recession forecasters, a significant jump in the unemployment rate signals an imminent recession.

Mr. and Mrs. K – An APC Affiliate Attorney Case Study


The client information summarized here represents an actual client.  Names and all identifying information has been removed or changed to protect the attorney client privilege.  This information is designed to be used as an instructional tool only.  Determining the appropriateness of any planning for any […]

Investing in Overseas Real Estate

The term “global marketplace” has never been more descriptive-particularly when it comes to real estate. There are numerous reasons why many of our clients invest in property overseas, including asset protection, portfolio diversification, retirement planning, privacy, and […]

Entities Must Now Report Specified Foreign Assets on Form 8938

Recently created rules outlining IRS reporting requirements for entities with foreign asset holdings or transactions are in effect this tax season – and failing to follow the new rules can result in significant penalties.

The rules will require covered domestic corporations, partnerships and trusts – which […]

Key Concepts of Asset Protection: Podcast Series

Welcome to the Key Concepts of Asset Protection.  My name is Douglass Lodmell, Asset Protection attorney and founder of the Asset Protection Council.

In this podcast series, you will learn about the 15 Key Concepts that I consider critical if you want to understand what Asset […]

Why Real Estate Is Different

I often get questions that point to a very important distinction within asset protection. They basically go like this: "Doug I heard you describe why you consider real estate assets as different from cash or liquid assets because a local judge could order those properties sold no matter who they are titled too. What use is an LLC or an LP if the judge can disregard it?"

Who Needs Asset Protection?

Our legal system has come to resemble a perverse redistribution-of-wealth scheme that encourages plaintiffs, who risk nothing, to sue anyone who may appear to have the ability to pay.

How to Pick an Asset Protection Lawyer

The last four years has created an explosion in the Asset Protection planning field due to both the large number of people who have finally realized that their wealth is more finite and fragile than they ever imagined and the litigation boom that inevitably follows tough times.

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